
The dictionary defines values as “principles or standards of behavior; one’s judgment of what is important in life.”

Therefore, values matter.  They matter to us as individuals.  Values shape communities; they shape the church.

Our values will determine what we will invest in and sacrifice for.  They are the filter through which we view things.  Give direction to what we spend our time and money on.

As a church, our Values shape who we are.

belonging women's ministry fellowship
Belonging is a basic human need.
We all need to feel truly accepted and loved. We all desire to connect with something greater than ourselves. God became man so that we could belong with Him. He is no longer removed from humanity, but part of it. We do not need to earn this belonging; we simply acknowledge it. Whether you’re searching for the first time, or you’ve lost count, we value your journey.
Simple is significant
History is the Story of God. God creating. Humanity rebelling. God coming in flesh and blood in the person of Jesus. 100% God. 100% human. God rescuing. Humanity responding. God invites us to let go of our (lower case) story and join in his (upper case) STORY. The Bible is the meta-narrative that speaks to us of God at work through power of the Holy Spirit, bringing humanity back to Himself. Through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Your story matters. How you got here. The place where God wishes to change everything.
baptism becoming values
We are all becoming something.
As a faith community, we want to become more complete followers of Christ by finding ways to live more like Him. As we walk with Him, we understand that He wants us to be more generous, more forgiving, more compassionate, and above all more loving. No matter where we are in life, we want to help others in their journeys of faith. Always becoming more…
What we believe matters. How we live matters too.
For too many living is disconnected from believing. The life of a Jesus follower is the integration of both. We are to be a people of Orthodoxy (right belief) and Orthopraxy (right living).
discovery class friends around tables